Chris Mumford is a clinical nurse specialist practicing at Nephrology Specialists of Tulsa. He graduated in 2023 from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences with a masters degree of science in nursing. During his graduate studies he was a student representative for OACNS and a member of the Masters and Doctoral Student Nurse Association. With a board certification in medical surgical nursing, Chris brings a decade of nursing experience practicing in acute cardiovascular, critical care, and internal medicine specialties as well as serving in nursing leadership roles.
Honored with the Oklahoma Great 100 Nurses Award in 2019, Chris is passionate about fostering patient nurse relationships while delivering evidence based care as well as mentoring, educating, and supporting nurses. He believes that membership and activity in local and national professional associations advances not only nursing but all of healthcare. In addition to OACNS and the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, he is a member of the Oklahoma Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, and American Association of Critical Care Nurses.